Horror overcome by humor in a classic tale retold by a modern storyteller
“When I tell this story to my elementary level kids in the library media center,they beg to have the story told and read over and over again. The ending of Boo Baby guarantees an eruption of giggles from any young audience. Storyteller Jim May has written the perfect book for storytelling and reading complete with illustrations young children love. Buy this book ... you won’t be disappointed!”
—Sue, a school principal in suburban Chicago “Your picture book, The Boo Baby Girl Meets the Ghost of Mable’s Gable, is the most popular book in our school library.” —Jay Stailey, Principal, Houston, TX Trade Paperback $9.95
ISBN 978-1-62491-032-6 32 Pages full color art @ 8.25” x 9.5” Ebook $8.50 eISBN 978-1-62491-033-3 AGES 5-12 |
As a professional storyteller, Jim May has told stories to well over a million schoolchildren and nearly as many adults. A favorite performer at the National Storytelling Festival, Jim May has received one of American storytelling’s highest honors, the National Storytelling Network’s Circle of Excellence award.
“I was drawn to this story because of its humor, it’s child-protagonist (a tough little girl toddler), its popularity in an earlier, simpler form among school groups I visited, and the idea of introducing mock-heroic eighth grade boys to heighten both the drama and the humor of my own version. Young audiences responded positively to my additions to the story, and with Shawn Finley’s vibrant, colorful illustrations, it became a success as a picture book. I am grateful for Parkhurst Brothers’ new edition which my mail indicates will be enjoyed by a new generation of picture book lovers.” |